Gareth Trainor
Passionate about making investments easy, for everyone
"I want all our customers to make good decisions about their pension savings, so they can have the income in retirement they need and want."
Gareth is responsible for Standard Life’s investment solutions.
This means is creating and designing both ready-made and self-select options that aim to help people grow their money so they can reach their financial and retirement goals. Now, more than ever, these options need to consider the financial implications of sustainable and responsible investing, while not having a negative impact on the returns customers hope to gain.
Gareth is Chairman of the Association of British Insurers’ Sectors Panel and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)® designation. He is Head of Unit Linked Investment Solutions at Standard Life Assurance: part of Phoenix Group and you can follow him on LinkedIn.
Articles by Gareth Trainor
Cost of living support5 mins
As inflation soars - is now the time to review your investments?
Inflation rates hit the headlines in Feb 2022, after months of steady rises were accelerated by the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war. But what does rising inflation mean for your pension investments?