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Support with life-changing events

Support with life-changing events
There’s lots to consider, especially if your financial accounts are jointly owned.
MoneyHelper has a lot of great guidance on where to start to get on top of your finances following a separation or divorce.
If you were married or in a civil partnership and plan to divorce or dissolve it, you may be entitled to some or all of your partner’s pension. They could also be entitled to some or all of yours too. This can only be agreed by a judge and is called a ‘Pension Sharing Order’. If you live in Scotland, there are also some pension provisions for couples in common-law relationships.
There are many options for dealing with pensions following a divorce of dissolution of a civil partnership, so it’s important to seek advice from experts before making any important decisions.
MoneyHelper has some useful information on your options
If your former partner is the nominated beneficiary of your pension upon your death and you’d like to change this, you can update this online.
It’s a good idea to nominate a beneficiary and to keep the details up to date because, in the event of your death, it means your pension savings are more likely to be passed on according to your wishes.
Usually, if your ex-partner was the sole appointed attorney, this will terminate when you divorce or dissolve a civil partnership. However, it’s important to check there are no clauses in the document that override this. You can also choose to remove them as your attorney before you divorce.
Ordinary Power of Attorney grants temporary control and lasts until you stop it or lose mental capacity. It’s usually used when you’re staying in hospital for a short time or you’re abroad and need someone to look after your house and finances in the UK. Lasting Power of Attorney is ongoing, remaining until you end the order or pass away. This is a legal document that allows someone to make decisions for you when you are no longer able or don’t want to. It’s really important to let us and any other financial providers know if your Power of Attorney situation changes.
If you’ve moved from a joint to single income, you can use the government’s benefits calculator to find out what you could be entitled to.
A relationship breakdown can be difficult and disputes can happen when discussing separation arrangements. Your first priority should be your safety and the safety of any children. If you’ve experienced any physical abuse, verbal abuse or controlling behaviour, you should seek help.
Speak to a member of the National Abuse Helpline team today
Or call 999 if you are immediate danger and ask for the police – if you can’t speak, dial 55 on your mobile phone and your call will be transferred to the police.
Standard Life is part of the Phoenix Group family and we are proud that our chosen charity partner is the Samaritans. They are there to listen without judgement or pressure - 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you’re struggling to cope with your separation or feeling overwhelmed with money worries, contact them by phone, email or letter.
Support with a relationship breakdown
We’ve worked hard to make this process as simple and straightforward as possible for you. You can either call our dedicated Bereavement Team, write to us or complete a simple online form.
See our contact information
We’ll give you all the information you need and take you through the next steps. When you get in touch, we will ask you to provide:- A death certificate
- Their full name and date of birth
- Their full address, including post code
- Their pension plan number
It’s important to note that, although we will do our best to honour their wishes, we cannot be bound by them and it will depend on the type of plan they have. Accessing their pension savings can be a lengthy process and it can take some time before you receive any benefits, if you’re the chosen beneficiary.
Rest assured that if you need further support, our expert Bereavement team can provide further guidance. You can also find practical support with the steps you may need to take in our bereavement guide. -
When you have experienced bereavement you will have lots of different emotions and there’s no right or wrong way to feel. It’s important to talk about your feelings. If you can’t speak to a family member, close friend or healthcare professional, here are some other options:
Support with bereavement
Having a baby doesn’t automatically mean a change to your pension. It really all depends on what you’re planning to do when baby arrives.
If you’re taking maternity leave and currently paying into a workplace pension, then your pension contributions are likely to pause until you return to work. Your employer will keep us updated on this. If you make any payments to your pension from your own bank account and you want to take a payment holiday, you should get in touch and let us know. You can restart payments when the time is right for you.
You can start claiming some benefits while you’re pregnant and after your baby is born. These include:
- Best Start Grant Pregnancy Baby Payment
- Child Benefit
- Universal Credit
- Child Tax Credits
- Tax-Free Childcare
It’s an exciting time for you and your family but it can come with a lot of uncertainty. Having a baby will impact your everyday finances. MoneyHelper is a great website for basics on what you need to know when you’re having a baby. They have great resources on:
- Having a baby
- Returning to work after having a baby
- Childcare help and costs
Support with a growing family
Standard Life accepts no responsibility for information on external websites. These are provided for general information.
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