Protecting the interests of scheme members

The Standard Life Master Trust Co Ltd (SLMTC) was established to act as trustee and to work in the interests of members of the Standard Life Defined Contribution Master Trust and Stanplan A pension schemes.

The board of SLMTC consists of five members all of whom, including the chair, are independent of Standard Life. They meet regularly throughout the year. Helen Dean is the chair of the SLMTC, has asked Standard Life to add the following comments:

“I am delighted and honoured to chair the board of SLMTC, this is a highly experienced board with trustees who are committed to looking after the interests of all of the members of the two schemes.”

The board of SLMTC consists of five members all of whom, including the chair, are independent of Standard Life. They meet regularly throughout the year.

The board of SLMTC is here to:

Ensure the safety of your savings

The board is responsible for ensuring that your pension savings are in a safe place. This doesn't mean that their value might not fall if investment markets do, but it does mean that they are protected against fraud, theft or the business failure of Standard Life.

Consider what's in your financial interests

We will invest your savings, taking into account any investment decisions you have made. Where you don't make an investment decision we will invest your savings in the default investment option for your scheme. We will review the strategy and investment performance of the default and will consider your financial interests when making decisions in relation to the default.

We will consider whether the charges Standard Life are taking from your savings represent good value for services they deliver. If they do not, we will challenge Standard Life to improve value.

Listen to you

We do want and value your feedback. We would like your views on your pension savings and the service you receive from Standard Life.

These views are an important part of the assessment of good value from Standard Life – we'll focus on all aspects of the plan across its lifetime to try and provide a good outcome in retirement.

If you have a complaint, this needs to be raised with Standard Life in the first instance. If this can't be resolved, Standard Life will refer the complaint to the board for consideration.


Standard Life DC Master Trust


Trustee's Report and Chair's Statement

By the end of July each year we will produce a report regarding how the scheme is performing in a number of areas, including:

  • Our opinion on whether you are getting good value
  • Information relating to charges and transaction costs
  • How core financial transactions are processed

Master Trust Chair's Annual Statement.

Annual report of workplace personal pensions    Master Trust Annual Statement (PDF 6.784MB)

Costs and Charges - Illustrations

The Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration, Investment, Charges and Governance) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (“the 2021 Regulations”) amend the Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration and Disclosure) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (“the 2018 Regulations”).

The regulations require disclosure and publication of the level of charges and transaction costs by trustees.

Please click on the following link to find out more information (PDF 1.065MB) 

Net Investment Returns

The Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration, Investment, Charges and Governance) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (“the 2021 Regulations”) amend the Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration and Disclosure) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (“the 2018 Regulations”).

The guidance requires us to calculate and state the return on all available investments including the default investment arrangements and the self-select funds, net of transaction costs and charges.

Please click on the following links to find out more information


Stanplan A

Stanplan A Chair's Annual Statement.

Annual report of workplace personal pensions    Stanplan A Annual Statement (PDF 7,075MB)

Costs and Charges - Illustrations

The Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration, Investment, Charges and Governance) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (“the 2021 Regulations”) amend the Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration and Disclosure) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (“the 2018 Regulations”).

The regulations require disclosure and publication of the level of charges and transaction costs by trustees.

Please click on the following link to find out more information (PDF 1,384MB).

Net Investment Returns

The Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration, Investment, Charges and Governance) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (“the 2021 Regulations”) amend the Occupational Pension Schemes (Administration and Disclosure) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (“the 2018 Regulations”).

The guidance requires us to calculate and state the return on all available investments including the default investment arrangements and the self-select funds, net of transaction costs and charges.

Please click on the following links to find out more information


Our SLMTC Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report

Following the introduction of climate-related reporting for our master trusts in October 2021, and together with Standard Life, we have made significant progress in implementing and embedding the recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’). We wanted to help clients understand the impact of climate-related risks and opportunities and define how these are measured and managed through the Standard Life master trust schemes.

The latest report covers the year ended December 2022 and has been prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the TCFD. Each report provides further insight on Governance, Scenario Analysis, Risks and Opportunities plus Metrics and targets. There is a version for both DC Master Trust and Stanplan A schemes.

Stewardship Policy Summary

The board of SLMTC (the board) believes that institutional investors bear a responsibility to engage with investee companies to drive better corporate behaviours, which is expected to also lead to stronger and more sustainable financial outcomes for our members.
This policy outlines our definition of stewardship and our commitment to support effective engagement and voting through outsourced activities in collaboration with our insurance provider Phoenix Group, asset managers and service providers.
We recognise our responsibility to hold Phoenix Group, asset managers and service providers to account for the stewardship activities conducted on our behalf.

Read our policy summary

Statement of investment principles

The Statement of Investment principles prepared by the Standard Life Master Trust Co. Ltd (SLMTC), the trustees of the Standard Life Defined Contribution Master Trust and Stanplan A.

These statements detail the principles which govern the decisions about investments that enable the trust to meet requirements of:

  • the Pensions Act 1995, as amended by the Pensions Act 2004
  • the Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment) Regulations 2005 as amended by the Occupational Pension Schemes (Investment) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 and the Occupational Pension Schemes (Charges and Governance) Regulations 2015



Standard Life DC Master Trust Statement of investment principles

Annual report of workplace personal pensions    Standard Life DC Master Trust Statement of Investment Principles (PDF 140KB)

Stanplan A - Statement of investment principles.

Annual report of workplace personal pensions    Stanplan A - Statement of investment principles (PDF 133KB)

Independent audit assurance

The board of SLMTC is pleased to present its report detailing the control procedures that are in place for the Standard life DC Master Trust and the Standard Life Stanplan A scheme.

Internal controls for Standard Life Master Trust Schemes Report.

Annual report of workplace personal pensions    Internal controls for Standard Life Master Trust Schemes Report. (PDF 840KB)

If you have any feedback you can email the board directly, please take the time to do this. Your feedback is crucial to the board's success.
There is no guarantee that any email you send will be received or will not have been tampered with. You should not send personal details by email.

The board members are introduced below.



Meet the Board Members

Standard Life Master Trust Co.Ltd. Privacy Policy (PDF 101KB)