Our new-for-2025 investment proposal tool lets you quickly and easily build a bespoke report on our Future Advantage range for each client.
Simply input the requested details, along with a personalised greeting and sign off. The result is a personalised output in your own branding, designed for you to talk through with your client.
How can the tool help you?
Creates tailored investment proposals
Build a bespoke and branded investment proposal for your clients quickly and seamlessly.
Supports your client conversations
Use the proposal tool to have a tailored conversation with your clients about their investment options.
Helps clients understand investments
Show your clients the past performance of the Future Advantage range, using client-friendly language, with access to a wide-ranging glossary of investment terms.
What does the proposal cover?
- Your customised introduction and sign off
- Information on the Future Advantage range
- The proposed Future Advantage funds you’ve selected for the client
- Asset-class and geographical breakdowns
- Historical performance
- Standard Life’s five core investment beliefs
- A glossary of investment terms
- Links to useful documents such as fund factsheets and Future Advantage customer guide.
Ready to get started?
Create your proposal using the tool below. You’ll need:
- Your client’s name
- The investment amount
- The Future Advantage funds you’re proposing
- Your firm's logo (jpeg, png or svg, 5Mb max file size)
Next steps
Discover our Future Advantage funds
Find out more about the Future Advantage range, including individual fund factsheets, adviser and client guides - and detailed information on our independent risk ratings.
Get a quote
The Future Advantage range is available through our Active Money SIPP. Login to get a quick online quote.