Unipass access
Our site supports Unipass certification access, which upon registration provides immediate access to our services.


For more information about Unipass please access the Unipass Identity webpage.

Online services registration
You can register online for our services from the Homepage link. To register you will need to supply basic personal and company details (as example: company name and postcode) associated with your Standard Life agency code.


Note: The postcode entered must match the address held for the agency code.

ID and password access
On receipt of your registration submission, you will be emailed a user ID and posted out a password for access. Please note a password will sent to your registered postal business address.


Each user ID and password is for a single individual user only. Individual users are not permitted to share access details.

This content is for financial advisers and must not be relied on by anyone else. If you are not an adviser please visit our customer website.