What changes are we making?

We're changing the names and descriptions of some of our pension funds and lifestyle profiles.

This will affect your members whose pension scheme(s) are invested in one or more of the following:

  • Sustainable Multi Asset range: we’re renaming the ‘At Retirement’ funds, which are mainly used in our lifestyle profiles, and amending the fund descriptions
  • Sustainable Focus range: we’re renaming the funds and lifestyle profiles to Future Advantage and amending fund descriptions.

Please note, there is no change to the investment strategy of any of these funds.

What does this mean for you?

We’ll write to members from August 2023. Changes will take effect from 30 September 2023.

  • If you have a contract-based or Master Trust scheme, we’ll write out to your members about the renaming of the funds and lifestyle profiles, and amendments to fund descriptions.
  • For Own Trust schemes, we’ll write to Trustees who can then update their members.

Here are the examples of the letters for members invested in:

Sustainable Multi Asset funds  Universal or Drawdown At Retirement Funds
   Annuity or Lump Sum At Retirement Funds
Sustainable Multi Asset Lifestyle profiles  Universal or Drawdown Lifestyle Profiles
   Annuity or Lump Sum Lifestyle Profiles
Sustainable Focus funds  1-5 Pension Fund
   Universal or Drawdown Pre-Retirement or At-Retirement Funds
   Annuity or Lump Sum Pre-Retirement Funds
   Annuity or Lump Sum At Retirement Funds
Sustainable Focus Lifestyle profiles  Universal or Drawdown Lifestyle Profiles
   Annuity or Lump Sum Lifestyle Profiles

Why are we making these changes?

We constantly review our solutions via our robust governance framework and this recent review is another example of that. We looked at how we talk about our range of sustainable funds and lifestyle profiles - with a particular focus on names and descriptions. You can find out more detail on the changes we’re making in the Frequently asked questions.

We constantly review our solutions to make sure we’re delivering good outcomes for our members – and that their expectations are always aligned to likely outcomes.

Which funds are affected?

The new fund names and descriptions are available in this  New fund names and description PDF:

1) Sustainable Multi Asset range

Universal At Retirement funds

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
PLND Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Universal Pension Fund
BDAD Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (AP Universal) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Universal (AP 10 Year) Pension Fund
JJHA Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (PP Universal) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Universal (PP 10 Year) Pension Fund
KFMA Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Universal 10 Year) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Universal (10 Year) Pension Fund
FFMP Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Universal Series 3) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Universal (10 Year Series 3) Pension Fund

Drawdown At Retirement funds

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
KBNI Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Drawdown) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Drawdown Pension Fund
DDNC Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (AP Drawdown) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Drawdown (AP 10 Year) Pension Fund
ADMC Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (PP Drawdown) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Drawdown (PP 10 Year) Pension Fund
NMFD Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Drawdown 10 Year) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Drawdown (10 Year) Pension Fund

Annuity At Retirement funds

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
LNHA Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Annuity) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Annuity Pension Fund
NBPI Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Annuity 10 YR) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Annuity (10 YR) Pension Fund
IFNN Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Annuity 10 Year) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Annuity (10 Year) Pension Fund

Lump Sum At Retirement funds

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
GFFA Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Lump Sum) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Lump Sum Pension Fund
MMAN Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (AP Lump Sum) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Lump Sum (AP 10 Year) Pension Fund
MADB Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (PP Lump Sum) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Lump Sum (PP 10 Year) Pension Fund
HFPA Standard Life Sustainable Multi Asset At Retirement (Lump Sum 10 Year) Pension Fund Standard Life At Retirement - Lump Sum (10 Year) Pension Fund

2) Sustainable Focus range

Risk-rated range

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
MJMN Standard Life Sustainable Focus 1 Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 1 Pension Fund
NIAE Standard Life Sustainable Focus 2 Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 2 Pension Fund
IABB Standard Life Sustainable Focus 3 Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 3 Pension Fund
IDEC Standard Life Sustainable Focus 4 Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 4 Pension Fund
EBLG Standard Life Sustainable Focus 5 Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 5 Pension Fund
PJCB Standard Life Sustainable Focus 1 (series 3) Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 1 (Series 3) Pension Fund
PIIC Standard Life Sustainable Focus 2 (series 3) Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage 2 (Series 3) Pension Fund

Pre Retirement funds

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
ANJH Standard Life Sustainable Focus Pre Retirement Universal Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage Pre Retirement - Universal Pension Fund
NKPL Standard Life Sustainable Focus Pre Retirement Drawdown Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage Pre Retirement - Drawdown Pension Fund
KNFB Standard Life Sustainable Focus Pre Retirement Annuity Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage Pre Retirement - Annuity Pension Fund
NGHD Standard Life Sustainable Focus Pre Retirement Lump Sum Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage Pre Retirement - Lump Sum Pension Fund
KNPM Standard Life Sustainable Focus Pre Retirement Universal (series 3) Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage Pre Retirement - Universal (Series 3) Pension Fund

At Retirement funds

Fund Code Current Fund Name New Fund Name
EKLP Standard Life Sustainable Focus At Retirement Universal Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage At Retirement - Universal Pension Fund
KGAA Standard Life Sustainable Focus At Retirement Drawdown Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage At Retirement - Drawdown Pension Fund
AAPM Standard Life Sustainable Focus At Retirement Annuity Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage At Retirement - Annuity Pension Fund
LIGD Standard Life Sustainable Focus At Retirement Lump Sum Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage At Retirement - Lump Sum Pension Fund
MFJC Standard Life Sustainable Focus At Retirement Universal (series 3) Pension Fund Standard Life Future Advantage At Retirement - Universal (Series 3) Pension Fund

Sustainable Focus Strategic Lifestyle Profiles

Current profile name New profile name
Sustainable Focus 1 Annuity Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 1 Annuity Strategic Lifestyle Profile
Sustainable Focus 1 Lump Sum Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 1 Lump Sum Strategic Lifestyle Profile
Sustainable Focus 2 Universal Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 2 Universal Strategic Lifestyle Profile
Sustainable Focus 2 Drawdown Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 2 Drawdown Strategic Lifestyle Profile
Sustainable Focus 2 Annuity Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 2 Annuity Strategic Lifestyle Profile
Sustainable Focus 2 Lump Sum Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 2 Lump Sum Strategic Lifestyle Profile
Sustainable Focus 2 Universal (Series 3) Strategic Lifestyle Profile Future Advantage 2 Universal (Series 3) Strategic Lifestyle Profile

For further details of all of our funds go online to standardlife.co.uk/funds 

Questions and answers

Sustainable Multi Asset Strategic Lifestyle Profile (SLP) questions

Sustainable Multi Asset ‘At Retirement’ Fund questions

Sustainable Focus Strategic Lifestyle Profile (SLP) questions

Sustainable Focus Fund questions