Our services in different formats

We want all of our customers to be able to access our products and services equally and easily. That, of course, includes those with visual, hearing, cognitive or motor impairments.

If you have a visual impairment

You and your scheme members can choose how to receive hard copies of correspondence once you’ve joined us. We’re happy to offer:

  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio C

If you have a hearing or speech impairment

We can communicate with each other over Relay UK (previously known as Next Generation Text or NGT). To use this service you can download their app to your computer, laptop, tablet or android smartphone by visiting the Relay UK website   where there are instructions on how to do this.

We can also communicate via the Text Relay Service. Please type 18001 before the telephone number you wish to contact. A Relay Operator will join the line to convey the message.

If you have a text-phone, you can call us on 0345 272 8841. Call charges will vary.

Website accessibility

Website accessibility is a fast-moving subject, as more and more online facilities become available for everyone to use without having to invest in specialist equipment. We’re constantly working to make sure our websites are accessible to and usable by the widest possible audience.

Our website is designed to be mobile-friendly and work with the accessibility options in iOS and Android on tablet and mobile. It should also work with all major screen reader software. As standard, we use larger text, bigger buttons and links so you can use it more easily, and you can increase the font size to make the links and buttons larger.

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