How to open a Discretionary Investment Manager account
Follow these simple steps to open a Discretionary Investment Manager account within our SIPP.
Step 1: Choose a Discretionary Investment Manager
Discuss and agree with your client which Discretionary Investment Manager is a suitable investment for them. You can see a full list of available Discretionary Investment Managers below.
Step 2: Request a Discretionary Investment Manager account
Get in touch with us to request that a Discretionary Investment Manager account is opened. We'll need the SIPP reference number, your client's name, confirmation that advice has been given, and the amount to be sent to the Discretionary Investment Manager.
If you want to open a Discretionary Investment Manager account to facilitate an in-specie transfer, please email or call 0345 0845 000 (call charges will vary).
Step 3: Complete an Investment Manager Agreement form
Ensure that an Investment Manager Agreement form, which you can get from your chosen Discretionary Investment Manager, has been completed by your client. This can be returned directly to the Discretionary Investment Manager - we don't need to see or sign this.
Step 4: Money is sent to Discretionary Investment Manager
Once we receive the completed instruction and Investment Manager Agreement, the Discretionary Investment Manager will send us an account reference so we can send them the money.
Please allow for relevant charges and take any necessary steps to ensure there's sufficient cash in the SIPP cash account to send the money you've requested.
If we're waiting on money being received via a transfer, we'll send the money to the Discretionary Investment Manager when cash is available (or later if instructed due to multiple transfers).
Discretionary Investment Manager charges
There's an additional charge for using a Discretionary Investment Manager within our SIPP.
This charge will be applied for each Discretionary Investment Manager your client uses and is in addition to any other product charges.
The Discretionary Investment Manager will also apply their own investment management charges.
View our SIPP choices and charges guide for more details or visit our SIPP overview page for more information on charges, features and investments.