Workplace pensions and auto-enrolment

The Government introduced auto-enrolment as a way of helping employees save for retirement. It means that employers must automatically enrol certain staff into a company pension scheme. Employees have a choice to opt out of a scheme if they choose.

We have a clear and helpful guide to workplace pensions for employees. It can be handy if you want to know more about how workplace pensions work, and how to get the most out of them.

Workplace pensions explained

Standard Life Workplace Pensions

If you're an employee

Login to see the value of your Standard Life Workplace Pension, manage your plan and more online.

If you're an employer

Explore workplace pensions and see how we can help your employees save for retirement.

The Independent Governance Committee (IGC)

The Independent Governance Committee was founded by Standard Life in 2015. Its main role is to review the value for money provided by Standard Life workplace personal pension schemes.

Find out how the IGC works in your interest here:

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